Easter should be celebrated in July, and not April of every year says Eliud Wekesa (Jesus of Tongaren)

Eliud Wekesa, who has gained fame as Jesus of Tongaren, says he has evidence, as per his interpretation of the Bible, that Easter should be celebrated in July, and not April of every year.

Easter should be celebrated in July, and not April of every year says Eliud Wekesa (Jesus of Tongaren)

This comes after his neighbours promised to crucify him on Good Friday to see whether he'll resurrect on Easter Sunday.

“I heard some people in my Lukhokhwe Village neighbourhood saying I should be crucified, just like Jesus Christ. Some of them even came to my homestead carrying a hammer and six-inch nails. I prayed and they had an immediate change of mind and went back,” Wekesa said

Wekesa plans to celebrate the current (April) Easter season by fasting between Friday and Sunday, holding mass on Saturday and engaging in Biblical teachings on Sunday.

However, his neighbours say they'll wait for July as it isn't very far from now!

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