Ugandan Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu remanded to Luzira Prison

The Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu and her brother, Micheal Naboya Kitutu have been remanded to Luzira Prison until 12th April 2023 by the Anti-Corruption Court for causing loss of public property, corruption, and conspiracy to defraud the government!

Ugandan Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu remanded to Luzira Prison

She was produced at the Anti-corruption Court over accusations of diverting iron sheets meant for vulnerable people in Karamoja region!

The Minister was arrested on Tuesday at Parliament while appearing before the Presidential Affairs Committee which is probing the matter and handed over to the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID). She had snubbed summons that had been served to her by Police!

At CID, Kitutu reportedly refused to speak to detectives which forced Police to detain her!
A search was carried out at Minister Kitutu's home by detectives yesterday but she declined to lead detectives to other places in Bulindo and Kayunga, where other iron sheets are expected to be kept!
This follows the diversion of over 9000 iron sheets meant for vulnerable persons in Karamoja!

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